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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

An update from Charlotte ~ 9-17-2018

Update from me...finally. Donny and I got our garage cleared out last week giving me room for yoga, treadmill and our old Total Gym. I decided to start out easy and do this 10 minute morning yoga routine, then walking on the treadmill, then a little on our old total gym for some core, leg and arm exercises. This week I decided to move to a 20 min morning yoga routine (10 min was a little too easy but a good place to start). It feels good to be getting strong again and it makes me want to eat all the right foods. Today I have a consultation with a nutrition specialist for cancer and chemo patients. Also, today I should get the results back on the MRI I did Friday of my breasts, say a little prayer for massive shrinkage of my tumors. 📷:) If you are curious, here are the two yoga videos I started with. I like this gal, she talks thru it all, so once I have the moves memorized I don't have to peek at the screen. Did I mention Donny moved a bigger flat screen into the garage (the old one was like 15 inches). Thank you Donny!!!… and…

MRI results are back and are good! "Findings are consistent with partial response to ongoing therapy. No new masses or areas of nonmass enhancement seen throughout the left breast compared with prior imaging. LYMPH NODES: Previously described enlarged left axillary lymph nodes have diminished significantly in size in comparison with prior imaging, now demonstrating essentially normal MRI appearance." I am so happy about the abnormal nodes I could cry! Woo hoo!

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Sep 17, 2018

Yahooooo good news. On your garage too. Congrats, those are hard to clean up.

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