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Charlotte's FB Post - Update 11-23-2019

I saw my surgeon yesterday and got my last drain removed. It felt fantastic to be free! At the same time, the poor guy had to face my...


Charlotte has been out of the hospital for a week now. She went back for a followup appointment with the surgeon yesterday. Two of her...

Getting Out of the Hospital Today!

Charlotte's been working hard at following all the directions of the docs & the physical therapists ~~ lots involved in getting around &...

Update: Out of Surgery 9 pm

Should hear from doctors soon. I don't think they started the surgery until about 8:30 am. So not over the estimated time at this point.

Surgery Today

Charlotte is heading in to her 10-12 hour reconstructive surgery @ Anschutz Medical Center in Aurora. Donny & Mariah are there with her....

Busy schedule leading up to surgery

Today Charlotte had a doctor appointment, followed by PT, then to Memorial Central for an Echocardiogram. On Monday, she has pool time,...

Charlotte's October 17, 2019 Facebook Post

Tomorrow I start a 6 week leave of absence from work. My 12 hour reconstructive surgery is on Oct 29th. My doctors want me to take some...

Super happy week filled with good news!

From Charlotte's FB Post 7/12/19 From Charlotte's FB Post 7/12/1d news! Cancer markers finally started a downward trend this week....

Charlotte's FB Post from June 21st

Hi everyone, I got some labs back last week and saw my Oncologist this week. Anyone have experience with CEA levels? It’s a cancer...

Update: Charlottes FB Post from 4/17/19

Hey everyone, I didn’t think I’d be back here this soon, but I learned something new today and decided I’d share...hoping it will...

No Evidence of Cancer!

From Charlotte's 3-7-19 Daily BC Report on FB: I had my brain and body CT scan today - an all day project since I’m allergic to contrast...

Charlotte's Update

Hey everyone, I am probably overdue for an update. Since January 16th I have had 2 major surgeries...1st the double mastectomy and lymph...

Today's FB Post

Charlotte's post from today: I don’t have the full pathology report from my hysterectomy...but my doc just called with some results.......

Update following Hysterectomy

February 5, 2019 Update following Hysterectomy Surgery that was on Feb 4, 2019 As Charlotte was being prepped yesterday, the doctor and...

Surgery Today

3:45 pm Update: The surgery was quicker than expected and went well. 2:00 pm Charlotte is prepped and ready for her total hysterectomy...

Another Doc ➡️ Another Surgery

Today Charlotte went and met her Gynecological Oncologist Dr. Pikaart. He felt that Charlotte’s BRCA 1 variant of uncertain significance...

Update ~ Today's Doc Appointments

Mom & I went with Charlotte to two doctor appointments today at UCHealth Anschutz in Aurora. The first appointment was with her plastic...

Pathology Report

Charlotte got most of her pathology report back today from her double mastectomy and lymph removal and dissection. It wasn't what she was...

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