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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Another Doc ➡️ Another Surgery

Updated: Feb 1, 2019

Today Charlotte went and met her Gynecological Oncologist Dr. Pikaart. He felt that Charlotte’s BRCA 1 variant of uncertain significance diagnosis should be treated as any BRCA 1 mutation. He felt (and she completely agrees) she should get a total hysterectomy and it’s already scheduled for Monday (Feb 4th at 2:30 pm) at Memorial Central in Colorado Springs. They expect her to stay overnight at least 1 night. They're using the da Vinci method:

The official terminology of her surgery: a robot assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, possible sentinel lymph node mapping and/or pelvic and aortic lymphadenectomy. O.M.G. (It took Charlotte and I about 15 minutes to get that right.) 😂

While giving birth to Stella, her doc (at that time) discovered Charlotte’s bladder had adhered to the uterus, so the surgeon is prepared to do bladder reconstruction as needed.

Before knowing when when her hysterectomy would be scheduled, they went ahead and did the first Zoladex injection at the Infusion Center. So far, no side effects.

On the one hand, Charlotte’s still trying to process all this, on the other hand she’s relieved to get this all done during this same absence from work.

The doc also confirmed that the lobular type of tumors (that she just learned she also has) are more likely to reoccur elsewhere in the reproductive system, so she will be relieved to get all those crazy estrogen & progesterone producing parts outta there.

On the plus side, on daughter Mariah’s (and future physical therapist’s) super strong suggestion, Charlotte went and got a stationary bike to start a low impact workout program for her bones & joints that’ll take a hit from the loss of hormones.

Super happy note: Here’s a video of Charlotte ringing the bell at the Cancer Infusion Center - celebrating the end of chemo infusions & injections!

As always, HUGE, HUGE thanks for all the prayers, calls, texts, positive vibes and love. 🥰

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