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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Charlotte's Diagnosis

Updated: Aug 7, 2018

This is Charlotte's post from July 13, 2018

Updated after MRI- Charlotte's Stage is now 3, due to addition malignant tumors in lymphs.

What is my diagnosis? Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of left breast and left lymph nodes. My cancer is grade 3, meaning it is aggressive and fast growing (this is not the stage, grade defines the behavior of the cancer). Grade 1 is KI 1-10% , Grade 2 is KI 10-20% and Grade 3 is above KI 20%. My grade or KI 57%, with intensity= "strong". I have 4 malignant tumors in my left breast and at least 2 malignant tumors in my left sentinel nodes. There is 1 large one at the top left and 3 in the center close to the surface. The current stage is 2B, until further testing (MRI, a few more labs, etc...) The cancer is both estrogen and progesterone receptor positive (this is a good thing, it means they know what Chemo to give me to shrink it). It is also HER 2 negative (feel free to Google that).

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