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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Charlotte's FB Post from Today

Soooo... Chemo is canceled for me today and it may even be canceled for next week...meaning... I COULD BE DONE! Apparently, the fact that I've successfully completed 10 consecutive weekly treatments in this round is a big deal and considered a success.

The reason they canceled today is the profound neuropathy (hands, feet, mouth) and weakness I have been experiencing following the last few infusions. What they don't want is for any of this to be permanent.

In the meantime, I am taking my husband and 2nd litter to Vegas for the weekend, as simply a place to meet up with good friends and relax. We have a condo and plan to cook, play games, swim, and just be together. I can't wait!!

Love you all and thank you for all the prayers and support! Hopefully my next stop is surgery on January 16th, followed by 5 weeks of radiation.

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