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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Charlotte's Prayer Ninja

Our sister Maureen has a very special connection with God. Charlotte calls her our "Prayer Ninja". Whenever, in life, we've needed special prayers to be said for anyone, Maureen is on the top of the list to call to ask for prayers. She has said 2 especially powerful (and somewhat long) Bahá'í prayers every day since the first day of even the scare of Charlotte's breast cancer. Thank you for that Maureen! Charlotte's diagnosis came on Maureen's birthday. Maureen made sure she was able to bring these flowers to Charlotte on that day.

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. It's what sunflowers do.     ~Helen Keller
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1 comentário

Camille Losey
Camille Losey
19 de jul. de 2018

Wow Lynn that quote is Awesome!

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