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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

So much to learn - all this on July 13th

Love this doctor!

At the end of my visit with my surgeon today, she gave Donny an envelope and told him to give it to me later today. I opened it and this is what I found. Dr. Sharon is turning out to be pretty darn special!!

Charlotte's initial post about her surgeon I met with Ingrid Sharon, Oncologist Surgeon with UC Health who helps lead UC Health's Multidisciplinary Clinics. UC for those who don't know is University of Colorado and is part of the statewide network of schools and research groups) The next Multidisciplinary clinic is scheduled for July 17th. This clinic is a group of Oncologists, breast surgeons, radiology oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, geneticists, Clinical Trial Specialists who all come together and collaborate on a just a few carefully selected patients. Apparently, to qualify for this opportunity you have to fit a certain profile. Your diagnosis has to need urgent attention and you have to be the personality type that can juggle and digest a lot of information and wants to be very involved in your treatment ( she said smart multi-taskers are the best kind). Good news, after interviewing me and consulting with others I got the spot! (I didn't even know it was a thing until she told me I got accepted, she seemed pretty excited for me). So...that means on the 17th they will all meet and talk about my case (without me in the room of course) and each specialist is required to come to the clinic having reviewed my file that pertains to their area of expertise. She said there is a ton of collaboration in these sessions and they have folks who have studied at MD Anderson, Mayo, and Sloan Ketterling and they aren't shy about calling others for more perspectives. Then after the clinic ends (it sounds like it is an all morning thing) Donny and I will be onsite in an exam room and each specialist will come by and exam me personally and answer questions and share their initial assessments.

Today's good news and bad news- Bad news- With almost 100% certainty they will take my left breast after 2 months of chemo. Other bad news- new ultrasound showed the 3 tumors in the middle are very close to the surface so out goes my nipple. Good news- Charlotte will be getting her first official tattoo! Yes, you guessed it, it will be a nipple tattoo when then do reconstructive surgery later this year. Who knows, I might even have them add something fancy to it...maybe make it into a flower or something.


What happens next week? Tuesday I am the subject of the UC Health multidisciplinary clinic, with an afternoon filled with poking and prodding from a bunch of specialists. Wednesday- MRI. Thursday- Surgery (port will be put in). I will get general anesthesia. Surgery is at 7:45. Picture of port to follow. Then Friday or Monday chemo will start. Then on the 25th they do a post-op check of my port...and then HOPEFULLY I am cleared to head to Minnesota for our family Lake trip.

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