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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Chemo is Complete!

From Charlotte's Facebook "Daily BC Report" Page:

I hope this is my last update until middle of next month! 1st the good news- I am done with chemo and according to my Doc the fact that I survived 10 weekly doses is exceptional...many patients only tolerate half of that.
Now for the not so good news ( but not really bad news) This last week has been rough. Over the weekend my feet and ankles swelled up pretty big...I thought it was from doing a bunch of walking but it came back Monday night accompanied with chest pressure. At first they were worried I had a clot in my lungs so I spent Tuesday night until 4:30am at the ER ruling it out. Turns out it is a reaction to the Chemo...something about my vessels being impacted and causing me to store fluid ( explains the swelling in my legs and feet, chest pressure and sudden weight gain). So for now I am on a high protein, low sugar and salt diet to get all the fluid off. I have to drink these high protein shakes 3 times a day. Apparently, one of my labs tipped him off in addition to all my symptoms.
My next step is surgery on January 16th! I asked the Doc when do I get to tell everyone I am cancer free? He said as soon as the pathology report is back. I asked when that happens and what are we sending to pathology (like a moron)? He looked at me funny and said “um, your breasts and lymph nodes” Ha! Duh! So that means I will know my prognosis by end of next month! Woohoo!!!
Once again- thank you everyone for all your love, support, prayers, gifts and positive energy! I couldn’t have fought this without you all! 💕💕💕💗💖

And in response to all the posts & support on this above FB post:

Thank you everyone! I wish I felt as strong as you’ll think I am! Just you saying it makes me feel stronger. By the way- I forgot to share some of the best news. My Oncologist asked me to ask my surgeon to remove my port during the mastectomy. Yee-Haw! I assume this means he believes there is no future need for it!
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