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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Doing great!

Updated: Jan 19, 2019

Charlotte's surgery went great! It ran longer than expected, but the doc said she had amazing, super young skin with great blood flow. They did end up removing 10 lymph nodes from under her left arm, so that side definitely is causing more pain than the other side. The hospital didn't allow children under 12 into the rooms because of the current flu risk level, but we were able to take Charlotte down to a waiting room a number of times, where she could spend time with the girls.

Charlotte and family are staying in a hotel near the hospital this weekend just to be close to the hospital, as a precaution.

The girls have enjoyed lots of time with Grandma & Grandpa Rickert, doing special things. So thankful for them! Charlotte's biggest concern through all this has been Hannah & Stella.

Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, positive thoughts, visits and personal messages. We truly, truly appreciate the continued support of Charlotte and her family.

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