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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

From Charlotte

It been a long week with many personal learning moments:

1. My job needs me!!! It felt great to jump full force back into work this week. Thankfully I’d kept up with email (and such) since all this started so I wasn’t really behind.

2. I enjoy the scarfs so much more than the wigs. The wigs are itchy and I actually feel more self conscious depending on who I am with. I also find designing the scarf wrap in the morning fills my routine of styling my hair...and it feels good for some strange reason.

3. I’ve turned into the germaphobe I swore I’d never be. Unfortunately, I have little experience so it’s taking me a while to get my home where I want it. Poor Donny, he’s been my hero in all this.

4. I’ve felt more happy and like me the past 4 days when I only took the one nausea med and my old medicine and I am only using the other meds in the evening. Which means I am dreading more than ever Monday’s big infusion and the 5 days that follow when I’ll need to add the other stuff back in.

5. My kidney stones are all still there and just waiting patiently for this next big flush on Monday. Heaven help me pass the 4 quickly that we saw on the cat scan yesterday.

6. Thank you card list is piling up fast. So if you don’t get yours soon, just know I am doing my best. Until then, thank you everyone for all your prayers and support. Love you all so very very much.

She's TOTALLY rocking this scarf thing! 💖 (that comment is from me.😁)

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