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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Hannah & Stella - Sweet update that touches on the scariest part of this journey for me (Charlotte)

Updated: Jul 18, 2018

I am talking about my little girls and how they will respond to all the changes about to happen to me. So...last night I noticed my girls were finally getting suspicious and maybe even a little scared.

So I sat them down and explained that I had this icky sickness in my left breast...BUT I got the best news at the doctors... I found out during all my tests that I am super lucky and that they know exactly what medicine to give me to kill it so I can be super healthy for a long long time! Then I explained what will be happening in the next few months.

Hannah asked if I could get a pink wig and Stella was super curious about "the tattoo". I felt pretty good about the conversation, but was still a tiny bit worried about Stella...until this morning. 😊

She crawled in my bed last night and in the morning I woke up just before she did and I could tell she was dreaming...when she woke up, she told me she had just had a crazy dream (this is a child who never remembers a dream). This was her dream:

"We were all on a beach playing and a shark started swimming towards us and then got on the beach and was chasing me (chasing Stella). Then I turned around and ripped off its skin and it was just a chicken leg! It wasn't a shark, it was a chicken leg!!" Then she burst into laughter at how silly her dream was. I laughed with her, but inside I felt so much relief... What amazing children I have!

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