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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Holy WOW! What a head-shaving party THAT was!

Updated: Aug 14, 2018

Charlotte has so much support. Amazing turnout on a weeknight with just two days notice! Thank you EVERYONE who came and/or messaged Charlotte. It was such a fun evening and what a genius idea (Charlotte) to offer “bald” foods that we all had to find our own ways to cover (with toppings) – or eat it just bald. Also, just saying, Charlotte is amazing – she brought the joy to the party and shared it with us all.

Hannah & Stella really wanted to have a lemonade stand – I guess it was quite a success! Stella came to the kitchen needing more lemonade with a huge smile on her face. The money they raised will be for the little girl’s spending money for their celebratory family trip to Europe after Charlotte is done kicking cancer’s butt.

The whole reason Charlotte decided to have this amazing & fun party to surround the shaving of her head was to make this a joyful event for her children, rather than a scary one. I think she totally succeeded!

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2 תגובות

Lynn Ferdowsian
Lynn Ferdowsian
10 באוג׳ 2018

Those beautiful Bald Eagles were made by Barney McKamy & brought to the party by his wife Jan. Aren't they wonderful?!


10 באוג׳ 2018

Oh you are amazing. What a great idea. And I would like the recipe for the BALD Eagles.

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