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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Lake Vacation - Here We Come!

Photo by Charlotte Rickert (2016)

Lots of updates (sorry! I’ve been out of pocket for a few days).

Charlotte’s been somewhat nauseous, somewhat scattered and often tired. But, overall doing pretty well with handling the chemo and is figuring the balance of medications to help her feel her best, every day feeling a bit better now.

Charlotte heard back from the Genetic Counselor on the results. Good news -- she has no known breast cancer-causing gene mutations that are hereditary. There was one gene mutation the BRCA1 where there was an A where they expected a G (a replacement mutation). This is considered a “genetic variant of uncertain significance”. This is not something that she passes down to children (it’s not hereditary) WOOHOO - just a mutation of her own.

The MRI confirmed the 4 lymph nodes being malignant, and that changed Charlotte to a stage 3A. This changes nothing as far as the treatment plan. The doctor is quite happy with how she is doing with the chemotherapy so far. She went to her post-op appointment today & doc says her port looks great.

Charlotte & family are off to the lake in the morning! We’re gonna have a great vacation. Scrabble ~ here we come! Hey Charlotte GAME ON!

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