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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Long Overdue Update

Sorry folks! Been behind on updating this blog.

From Charlotte’s post on Facebook

August 29, 2018

Some things can not be just a coincidence. Per my request for more opinions my medical oncologist has referred me to an oncologist in Denver who specializes in breast cancer and is very, very respected in the field. Elana Shagisultanova. SOOO... I get a call today from her office and her 1st availability is September 24th at 11:15am at the Anschutz campus. This just happens to be the same exact day we agreed to have our girls on this exact campus to take part in a lab that Mariah will be doing with children ages 6-12 as part of her Doctorate in PT. The lab starts at 3pm on the 24th. Seriously? What are the odds? My PTO days are precious right now and I was going to use some for this experience with my girls. Here is Elana's profile and stuff she has published. God is great. Elana Shagisultanova Profile UC Denver

From Charlotte’s post on Facebook

September 3, 2018

It’s the last day of Baha’i Summer Family Camp and folks have commented how “brave” or “strong” I am for being here. Well, it’s all about the joy! This quote was read on the first evening and it about sums it up. Any risk was out weighed by the pure joy of being here.
“Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of usefulness. But when sadness visits us we become weak, our strength leaves us, our comprehension is dim and our intelligence veiled. The actualities of life seem to elude our grasp, 110 the eyes of our spirits fail to discover the sacred mysteries, and we become even as dead beings. There is no human being untouched by these two influences; but all the sorrow and the grief that exist come from the world of matter—the spiritual world bestows only the joy!”

From Lynn

September 4, 2018

Charlotte had her 4th Chemo Infusion (A/C - Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide). This was the last A/C infusion. Yay!! On September 21 she will start the 12 weekly Taxol Chemo Infusions, which should have less side effects. She beat the heck out of me at Scrabble during the powerful "Red Devil" part of the infusion. I'm thinking they added a little something extra.🤨

From Charlotte’s post on Facebook

September 7, 2018

I got some good news yesterday!!! My cancer antigen 15-3 was in normal range. 0-32 is normal and I am 27. Basically meaning my chemo treatment and prayers seems to be working! Thanks everyone!Below is a link to info on it. I have an MRI on the 14th that will tell me more...but feeling very positive with this news. Here is the link. Cancer Antigen 15-3 Info

Dr. Chang confirmed today, that this is good news!

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