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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

💗 Superwoman.

Last week (Oct 19th) Dakotah joined us for Taxol infusion #5 (of 12). Charlotte was very happy he was there.

Today, Friday Oct. 26th, Charlotte had Taxol Chemo Infusion #6 (of 12). So -- she is now half way through the Taxol Infusions. The side effects have been worse than we had hoped they’d be. The actual infusion days are not at all enjoyable, aside from having her hands and feet in ice during the infusion (in hopes of not losing her fingernails & toenails - which appears to be working) she’s had increasingly more joint pain (with each infusion) and that joint pain has been lasting longer each week. This week she actually went into the chemo treatment still in pain from the last week's infusion. In addition, earlier this week she lost a tooth - apparently that’s a thing? She had a tooth that wasn’t too healthy, and I guess the chemo can weaken that - and the tooth broke & fell out. Soooooo --- right after chemo this week, she went to her dentist & got a root canal. For real. Ugh.

Charlotte, being Charlotte, still works to make these infusion appointments as enjoyable as possible - this week we ordered Chinese food & had a lunch party right there in our little infusion cubby. Par-Tay!

🎶 This is how we chemo Baby! 🎶

She has also now lost most of her eyelashes & eyebrows. She went and had eyelashes put on.

She also got her Mastectomy Surgery scheduled. It will be January 16th up at the UCHealth Anschutz Medical Campus - Cancer Pavilion in Aurora.

Charlotte continues to work (sometimes traveling), doing her part to get the girls to and from all their activities, and everything else she does ---- basically doing it all!

Crazy tough, strong and impressive, this girl. Love you Charlotte! 💗

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Oct 28, 2018

Love you to pieces, sweeeettttttt FRIEND!

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