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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Surgery Day

Updated: Jan 18, 2019

Charlotte's surgery is scheduled to start at 7:30 am. She's having a double mastectomy and some lymph nodes under her left arm removed. She's prepped and ready to go. The surgery is expected to be about 5 hours long. I will keep the blog updated. A very sincere thanks for all the prayers, love and positive thoughts in her direction. 💗

9:00 am update - Mom & I are at the hospital with Donny & Jeff Frater. Donny said the first 3 hours is the breast surgeon removing both breasts and the lymph nodes, the next 2 hours is the plastic surgeon putting in the expanders. Thanks for the continued prayers!

Waiting room. 😊

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Melissa Brayton Webber
Melissa Brayton Webber
Jan 16, 2019

Thinking of you all today. Sending all my love and prayers to you. Thank you for keeping us posted. Love you!!!

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