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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

The start of Taxol

From Charlotte's Friday FB Post:

Well today sucked way more than I expected. I thought today was the start of the easy not. I actually had to have my hands and feet on ice for 75 min while they pushed the Taxol. Apparently, this helps decrease the chances of losing my fingernails and toenails and less neuropathy. What the heck? I came home seriously whipped. So far nausea hasn’t been bad...just the ride home was rough. I also have these crazy cold/hot flashes periodically. They gave me Dex by IV again ( steroid for nausea) so that will keep me good for a few days (and bring my insomnia back) ...along with the other nausea stuff I take. did I get here?? Tomorrow morning is my kids Raingutter Regatta ( Cub Scout boat race)...wish me luck to be a normal participating Mom, just having fun. 📷😀 Also thanks everyone for all your support and prayers. I am so blessed!

Saturday morning she posted:

Turns out I slept decent last night and I feel relatively normal today. Yeehaw!

BTW - The girls did great in the Raingutter Regatta! Stella came in 1st & Hannah 3rd.

This morning (Sunday) she texted me that she slept until 8 am! (10 hours!!!) This is great news! The insomnia has been one of the bigger challenges for her.

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