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  • Writer's pictureLynn Ferdowsian

Update following Hysterectomy

February 5, 2019

Update following Hysterectomy Surgery that was on Feb 4, 2019

As Charlotte was being prepped yesterday, the doctor and anesthesiologist were talking to her before the surgery, she said she wanted to show them why she was having this surgery. She told them she has no doubt they know WHAT they are doing, but she insisted they see and understand WHY. She pulled out her phone and made sure that both of them scrolled through her family photo album (about 20 pictures). That had to have made a connection and impact for them. She's not just a patient or a scheduled surgery. She's a mom, she's a grandma and she's a wife. (And I add...also a daughter, a sister, an aunt). ❤️ Wonder if anyone made them do that before. Genius, in my opinion.

She also took the time to truly thank her uterus and female parts for how they served her before they were removed from her. These parts --- they gave her Dakotah & Mariah and later on, when truly shouldn’t have been able to, gave her miracle child Hannah and then Stella. Charlotte’s truly appreciative for the gift of all her children. Charlotte's mind and clarity always amazes and humbles me.

Going into the surgery, we thought there may be a bladder reconstruction required, as Charlotte’s OB-GYN from when Stella was born said the bladder was fused to the uterus. Luckily - that wasn’t the case! She didn’t need the bladder reconstruction. GOOD NEWS! The surgery took about 1 hr & 15 min instead of 2 hours.

Unfortunately the pain has been through the roof (quite a bit more than they normally see). She was expected to go home today, but they’re keeping her an extra day to get the pain under control.

Love you Charlotte! And love out to everyone cheering her on!


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1 comentario

07 feb 2019

Charlotte, I watch and send our family prayers up every night for you. You are a steong woman, showing us all the power of positive and a Mom who is not going to give in. You are an inspiration and surtounded by love near & far. Keep fighting girl.

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