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From Charlotte

It been a long week with many personal learning moments: 1. My job needs me!!! It felt great to jump full force back into work this week....

A Super Long (and overdue) Update

Monday 8/6/18 - Charlotte had the chemo starting about 11:30 am, after putting in the anti-nausea medications via the IV, they start with...

Chemo Round 2

In the last few days, before this second round of chemo, Charlotte had what felt like electrical shocks going through her boob. She...

The Lake ~ Aaaahhh vacation!

Charlotte had a great week at the lake! Fishing, boating, scrabble, fish fry, trivial pursuit, family time, enjoying her beautiful ...

Lake Vacation - Here We Come!

Lots of updates (sorry! I’ve been out of pocket for a few days). Charlotte’s been somewhat nauseous, somewhat scattered and often tired....

The day after 1st dose of chemo

5:32 am Charlotte says I swear- the tumors are smaller today then they were before. In fact, it took me a bit to find the big one and I...

Die cancer, Die!

Chemo treatment #1 was today. Charlotte came in ready to git 'r done! Just one ridiculously long week since being diagnosed and now she's...


And the fight begins. Charlotte's first chemo treatment is today starting at 1:30 pm. She's so ready to start killing these friggin'...

Beauty continues

Do you want me to obtain a wig? or just scarves?

Port Installed!

The port has been installed and Charlotte is in recovery, the surgery was went well.

Seeing your Prayers in Action!

Tomorrow Charlotte goes in for surgery to have the port put in. Then in the afternoon is the "Chemo Teach". On Friday is her first chemo...

Today's MRI Results

Results from today's MRI - some good news, some not news & some not so good news. Good news: The right breast is clean and clear! Not...

Charlotte's Diagnosis

This is Charlotte's post from July 13, 2018 Updated after MRI- Charlotte's Stage is now 3, due to addition malignant tumors in lymphs....

So much to learn - all this on July 13th

Love this doctor! At the end of my visit with my surgeon today, she gave Donny an envelope and told him to give it to me later today. I...

Charlotte's Prayer Ninja

Our sister Maureen has a very special connection with God. Charlotte calls her our "Prayer Ninja". Whenever, in life, we've needed...

Charlotte's First Post

This was Charlotte's first post to Facebook letting her world know She posted this July 12, 2018 No sympathy please... just positive...

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